Thursday, June 25, 2009
The dreaded Routine

I hate routines of all sorts, I have knowing nothing is different today. Knowing full well what's going to happen today. No surprise no nothing. Waking up will be a burden, working will be a pain and rest seems like the only solution. All I'm saying is that life seems so dismal. Even the food I eat now seems overused. Ah, September seems so far away. I feel like a walrus and I'm so clumsy I'm surprised I only fell twice.

Thankfully I have two things to look forward to. First will happen tonight at around 10! Me and the Husband will be watching Transformers, we both need some quality time together. My way of making time, what with work and Mika time and being constantly tired. Tonight will be for us.

And the next good thing will be PAYDAY tomorrow! Finally after all my bitching and complaining the reason for all my tiredness has come to fruition. What will I be doing? Nothing. I've got to save up to make Raya outfits although I will not be celebrating this year. Why you ask? Well my due date is two days before Raya so I will only be at home with my baby.

Oh and my cousin is getting married this Sunday..hmm funny how that's not one of my happening dates to watch heheh. Oh June please end as quickly as possible. July will bring better times and closer dates. 5th July will be one date to remember and to top it all off July has not one but TWO public holidays!! Yay me!

And all the dramas surrounding me right now? I seriously couldnt be bothered, I have better things to do than muddy my hands in your dirt. Sad isnt it that you're the elder in the whole situation. Sad sad sad!

"Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes." - Harry Emerson Fosdick

Truer words were never spoken.

Posted by Belladonna at 1:02 AM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
True passion never dies

Awesome..My first video post. Many many thanks to dibly... So I finally found inspiration on what to write. Books and reading. I've always loved reading ever since I was a little girl. I'm often fascinated by how words are able to evoke such strong emotions, how a book can transport you to other worlds and other times. I read every book I buy or that is borrowed to me.

My husband finds it 'intriguing' ( I dont want to use the word weird hehe) that I have to finish a book no matter how boring or how gruesome or how disturbing it is. The fact of the matter is that the book means something to someone and that person wants you to know what it is. My passion for books go way back, during O'levels my mother confiscated ALL my books in order for me to study.

And now, I always make time to read a book. Atleast once a week. And just to inform Melly who will be back soon, these are my to buy list (hint hint)

Afta bought me the first book and now I'm hooked!

Loved him since Angels and Demons. I cant wait for September for two reasons. My baby and the book heheh

It sounds very very interesting.

And the Lace reader, the trailer is below. I've wanted to read the book since last year but I couldnt find it in Brunei pfft

To feel most beautifully alive means to be reading something beautiful,
ready always to apprehend in the flow of language the sudden flash of poetry.
~ Gaston Bachelard ~

Posted by Belladonna at 1:18 AM

Friday, June 19, 2009
Ice cream, cakes and anything sweet.

Oh, today of all days. I want dessert! I am so craving for anything sweet right now. So today's post will be on one of my vices dessert.

Ok so lets start with Ice cream, These wonderful creations were around for years! Ancient civilizations have served ice for cold foods for thousands of years. Mesopotamia has the earliest icehouses in existence, 4,000 years ago, beside the Euphrates River, where the wealthy stored items to keep them cold. The pharaohs of Egypt had ice shipped to them.In the fifth century BC, ancient Greeks sold snow cones mixed with honey and fruit in the markets of Athens.[citation needed] Persians, having mastered the storage of ice, ate chilled desserts well into summer.Roman Emperor Nero (37–68) had ice brought from the mountains and combined with fruit toppings. These were some early chilled delicacies.

Thank you for this dear ancients.


And for the latest crave cupcakes, some interesting facts: In the early 19th century, there were two different uses for the name "cup cake" or "cupcake". In previous centuries, before muffin tins were widely available, the cakes were often baked in individual pottery cups, ramekins, or molds and took their name from the cups they were baked in. This is the use of the name that has persisted, and the name of "cupcake" is now given to any small cake that is about the size of a teacup. The name "fairy cake" is a fanciful description of its size, which would be appropriate for a party of diminutive fairies to share. In Australia, the term pattycake is also used, referring to the patty pans they are cooked in.


They look so good!

And my all time fav! CHOCOLATES!Fact : Chocolate has been used as a drink for nearly all of its history. The earliest record of using chocolate dates back before the Olmec. In November 2007, archaeologists reported finding evidence of the oldest known cultivation and use of cacao at a site in Puerto Escondido, Honduras, dating from about 1100 to 1400 BC.



Cotton Candy use to be my sunday afternoon craving when I was a lil girl...

According to Gourmet magazine, cotton candy was invented in 1897 by William Morrison and John C. Wharton and first introduced to a wide audience at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904 as "Fairy Floss"with great success, selling 68,655 boxes at the then-high $0.25, half the cost of admission to the fair. Fairy floss was renamed to "cotton candy" in the 1920s.Tootsie Roll of Canada Ltd. has a bagged product called "Fluffy Stuff" that it claims was first introduced at the 1893 World's Fair.


The United States celebrates National Cotton Candy Day on December 7. I will so celebrate that!

I never knew this about candy but did you know that The word "candy" comes from Arabic qandi, derived from Persian qand, meaning "sugar."


Oh the colours! The texture and the taste!

The origin of the word "biscuit" is from Latin via Middle French and means "cooked twice,"hence biscotti in Medieval Italian (similar to the German Zwieback, and still present in Dutch "beschuit"). In modern Italian usage the term biscotto is used to refer to any type of cookie, but not a savory cracker. Some of the original biscuits were British naval hard tack; such hard tack was made in the United States through the 19th century. Throughout most of the world, the term biscuit still means a hard, crisp, brittle bread, except in the USA and Canada, where it now denotes a softer bread product baked only once.

Doughnuts have a disputed history. One theory suggests that doughnuts were introduced into North America by Dutch settlers, who were responsible for popularizing other American desserts, including cookies, apple pie, cream pie, and cobbler. This theory is bolstered by the fact that in the mid-19th century doughnuts were called olykoeks ("oily cakes") by the Dutch. However, there is also archaeological evidence that the pastries were prepared by prehistoric Native Americans in the southwestern United States.


And last but not least cakes...I feel there is no need for explanations of any sort so I will let the pictures do the talking


Im so taking the husband out for dessert! hehehe

"I prefer to regard a dessert as I would imagine the perfect woman: subtle, a little bittersweet, not blowsy and extrovert. Delicately made up, not highly rouged. Holding back, not exposing everything and, of course, with a flavor that lasts. " ~Graham Kerr

Posted by Belladonna at 12:11 AM

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Almost didnt count

I almost didnt blog! The horror! Has work finally consumed me that I was not able to spare even 15 minutes to blog about nothing? No, that is not the case. I just thought to blog in the afternoon. Anyhoots, more random ramblings from me.

How was this morning? Uneventful. Had lunch with the Husband (he keeps picking me up cause Mr. K is back from USA) heheh. How are the bosses? Well Mr.K is stressed because of his previous work and so is Ms. N who is stressing me out. Lady there are only so many calls I can make, and it's not my fault they cant confirm a meeting, their bosses dont have time ok.

What else? Aside from being bored at work, nothing much. Oh! I almost forgot, Wifey #3 is having a BBQ this saturday night! and I finally get to meet her other half. Dibly will be there of course, *crossfingersthathecomeslone* How I wish today was friday so that I wouldnt have to work tommorow.

Thats it for now, Im so demotivated to do anything. I just want to curl up in bed and sleep. ahh

"The bed is a bundle of paradoxes: we go to it with reluctance, yet we quit it with regret; we make up our minds every night to leave it early, but we make up our bodies every morning to keep it late. " ~Charles Caleb Colton

Posted by Belladonna at 12:16 AM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Happy vibes that divides

Ok, so i just realized that I have been complaining like a bitch about work. It's not that bad just I don't know how to explain it. Im alone most times and all I do is call people who at most are gracious but dont give me what I want. Anyhoo, I made a promise to myself to not complain today. Instead i decided to disscuss a certain topic that was brought to mind but none other than Dibly. It's about falling in love.

Dibly I consider you lucky because you were still falling in love. You havent fallen in love yet. Yes, love hurts but that's just how one person deals with it. At a certain point in life you have to realize how much time and suffering are you going to endure for someone who has already moved on or was never in the same wave length with you?

From personal experience, I wasted yes wasted seven years for a guy! And it wasnt all for nothing, we ended up friends but what I'm trying to say is that a person can be led on for years before coming to their own realization. It took me months to get over him, then thankfully I met my husband. And that will be another post.

All Im saying is that how much pain can one person endure? How much time are you willing to waste? The other party isnt going to turn around and suddenly say " gosh, why did I let him/her go?" Yes maybe that happens but not all the time and most times we get burned. It hurts but we have to pick ourselves up and find other people, or if you're really in a rut go out with friends and bitch about the person who dumped you (trust me, hearing how awful they are helps).

The worst part is often you blame yourself, and yes that may be the reason sometimes but you have to understand that not every pain is your fault. Not all tears were meant for you. Coming to terms with the fact that you are a better person for moving on is the hardest part in heartbreak. Don't beat yourself for being hurt, pat yourself at the back! You were given a reason to start new.

Am I talking gibberish again oh well, I dont normally do long posts and I dont consider this to be a long post but whatever. Hope this sheds some light Dibly.

"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death." Thomas Paine


Posted by Belladonna at 6:26 PM

Monday, June 15, 2009
Not 100% into it..

My husband keeps telling me how lucky I am to be working here. Maybe I am but there are only appointments that can be scheduled I mean. it's not my fault these people are out of town, its not my fault the previous publication was delayed, it's not my fault the Brunei project started late! It's not my fault. Cut me some slack here, secretaries are bitches at most and dealing with them is no piece of cake.

I will be briefing them on meetings for this week and hopefully they will be in the office before lunch. I have to eat too you know. Thankfully wifey #1 will be taking me out for lunch for some much needed R and R. And to catch up on recent gossip and updates..Its only tuesday and Im already wishing for the weekend. Will there be any public holidays in June? yes that is how desperate I am to get out of work. Being pregnant does not help matters. Im so hormonal.

I wish I was at home asleep, I wish I was with Mika at home. I wish I was at the beach near the water. Oh how wishes dont come true. Just got off the phone with Dibly and he has informed me that there is NO public holidays in June oh the horror!

How am I feeling today?

Endurance is patience concentrated.- Thomas Carlyle

Posted by Belladonna at 8:02 PM

Another day of blah

I can't believe Im already sick of work, its not even a month yet and already Im bitching and moaning about it. I mean there are only so many phone calls a person can make in a day/week. The secretaries are so sick of hearing my name and 'Oxford' that some wont even take my call. Oh well atleast I have eye candy.

I wish time could go by faster, it just turned 4 and I have an hour left of trying to make appointments with people are I will never meet nor do i wish to. As life as a project coordinator. I have one company that is so tired of me calling that they 'kindly' suggest another company for me to call. Im so desperate to set up appointments that I tell 'white lies' which actually works. Being firm is so way better than being nice. Niccolo Machiavelli had a good point when he asked whether it was better to be loved or feared. In my case it is to be feared.

Oh I want to go home and rest and just relax and not be bothered by calls. 5.30 please come rushing by. I yearn for relaxation and comfort..I sincerely hope the cup of coffee will last me until atleast 5.20.

This is how I feel right about now

"All parts of the human body get tired eventually - except the tongue. "
Konrad Adenauer

Posted by Belladonna at 1:00 AM