Today is a good day, I am not entirely bored at work and Miss Tyranny didnt show up at work so overall a good day so far. To boost my day I've been listening to songs by Mika, that man is a genius. I love the lyrics and the tempo very uplifting. So far my ultimate song is We are Golden!! 'We are not what you think we are, we are golden'
Posted by Belladonna at 9:27 PM
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Staying positive
I told myself I will concentrate on the good and leave out the bad from my blog but so far it is a challenge! Especially today when Miss Tyranny is back in full force. So I will immerse myself with pretty images as not to sound bitter or angry.
So I decided to order a bouquet of flowers for someone a.k.a my husband just because. And I need to be surrounded by beautiful things, I got him roses and lilies. I will try to post up pictures of it.
Hoping it will look like this
Yes I love fresh flowers. If I analyze myself it would be that I like things that have temporary beauty. Oh well psychology is a soft science anyway. Oh other things, I did research on Mikael's namesake and this is what I found :
In Arabic literature, Michael is called Mikha'il. In the Qur'an, Michael is mentioned once only, in Sura 2:98. In his commentary on verse 98 of that sura, Baiḍawi relates that on one occasion Umar ibn al-Khattab went into a Jewish school and inquired concerning Gabriel. The pupils said he was their enemy, but that Michael was a good angel, bringing peace and plenty. In answer to Umar's question as to the respective positions of Michael and Gabriel in God's presence, they said that Gabriel was on His right hand and Michael on His left. Umar exclaimed at their untruthfulness, and declared that whoever was an enemy to God's angels, to him God would be an enemy. Upon returning to Muhammad, Umar found that Gabriel had forestalled him by revealing the same message, which is contained in verse 98. Muslim commentators state with reference to Sura 11:69 that Michael was one of the three angels who visited Abraham.
Originally I wanted to call Baby J, Raphael but it was a Christian name but the Islamic equivalent is Israafiyl, information :
Seen in this 16th century Islamic miniature is Raphael, along with Michael, and Gabriel, accompanying Muhammad to Mecca. According to the Hadith, Raphael (Israfil in Arabic) is the Angel responsible for signaling the coming of Judgment Day by blowing the horn (namely Sûr) and sending out a "Blast of Truth". Unlike Gabriel (Jibrail) and Michael (Mikail), this archangel was not mentioned by name in the Quran.
The horn (sûr) will be blown two times. The first blow of the Sûr signals the beginning of the Judgment Day and with the second blow, all the souls are gathered somewhere between heaven and hell, and interrogated for their good deeds and sins.
According to Sunni narrations as reported by As-Suyuti and others, from the pious predecessors or early Muslim generations, the Ghawth or Qutb, who is regarded amongst the mankind as the highest person in the rank of siddiqun ( the saints ), is someone who has the heart that resembles that of Archangel Israfil, signifying the loftiness of this angel. The next that comes in rank are those of the saints who are known as the Umdah or Awtad , where amongst them the highest ones have their hearts resemble to that of Angel Mikael or Michael, and the rest of the lower ranking saints having the heart of Jibreel or Gabriel, and that of the previous prophets before the Prophet Muhammad. The earth is believed to always have on its surface one from the Qutb, 4 from the Awtad, 40 from the Abdal, and 300 from the Nukhaba, and because of whom Allah blesses the entire earth, and when one of them passes away from a higher rank, he/she is succeeded by a saint from a lower one, who is in turn elevated to his/her rank to fill his/her place. It is believed that the Day of Judgement does not take place until Allah casts death all together upon all of these saintly categories, and only in that state of their absence will the day of Judgement be commenced with Angel Israfil blowing his trumpet.
Well for now, Ramadhan Kareem my Muslim brothers and sisters.
Posted by Belladonna at 7:17 PM
Monday, August 24, 2009
For my husband
And so I am currently planning two birthday sungkai's for my husband. The first will be at our place on the 26th for my mom's side of the family and a very few friends. Oh did I mention the fact that my husband shares the same birthdate as my mother?
So he turns a year older tonight, I am certainly glad that I will be there during that momentous occasion. We've had our ups and downs, we've had people bad mouthing us, we've gone through people trying to separate us but we still manage to stay together and that is a blessing within itself. As you can see this post will be dedicated to my husband. He is ever so patient, especially when it comes to me who I must admit am very bitchy. I wont be all lovey dovey and spill my guts here.
The day I became his wife
Happy Birthday My love, may the year ahead bring great joy and laughter. May it be your year to shine true and be all that you will be. Let the ring of midnight erase the past mistakes, and let the sunrise of tomorrow be your beacon of hope for this everlasting journey. Let the stars shine and dance on the day you were born, let the moon look down and smile upon you, it's not everyday you get to celebrate your past, present and future in one day. To a wonderful father and an amazing husband lots of love from Me, Mika and Baby J.
“Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across forever, and we'll meet now and then when we wish, in the midst of the one celebration that never can end.” Richard Bach
Posted by Belladonna at 8:43 PM
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Let me fly
Its fast approaching 10.30am and I am so very sleepy. Last night I had a horrible time sleeping due to the fact that my neck hurts like !@#$%^&^%$#@. I am so very hungry and I want to sleep the hunger and the tiredness away but unfortunately I have work. Again I am alone, Miss Arkansas is still out sick whereas Mr Long Island and Miss Turkey are still resting at the empire Villa. First day of work in the month of Ramadhan and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I mean It's great that my working hour is shortened but just by one hour? Oh well, beggers cant be choosers.
So here I am working although I am certainly in no mood for it. I know I seem to be whinning alot like a whole lot, so I have made a promise to myself as of today I will concentrate on the good. So first up a whole lotta thanks to my cousin Intan and aunt Andak for the lovely red velvets they made for me. So I was drowning in red velvet cup cakes my whole weekend. Utter bliss.
Another happy thing/event my husband's birthday!!! Well my mother as well since they share the same birthdate. I have ordered his cake hopefully it will be great, as for presents I have to wait until the end of the month. Not sure what to get him tho. I am giving birth to his child so I think the gift of life is fine :)
Let me fly, fly away up to the endless sky and let me live among the stars and feel no pain, no blase feeling, just let me soar. Feeling a bit emo right now. Im kind of stomped with work but the feeling of boredom and being weary is constantly with me. Dear God give me strength to overcome this.
Posted by Belladonna at 6:49 PM
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I'm wishing
I'm wishing, I'm wishing for the one I love to find me, to find me, today, today. Snow White really knows how to brightened my day. Feels like sneaking a nap for 30mins since my body is so not up for this morning.
I asked Miss Tyrannical Turkey to let me off early and she said ok at 3.00pm. Then somehow she decided to be the bitch that she is and said make that 4.00pm. I'm seriously hoping she isn't going to say make that 5.00pm. If you don't want me to leave early just say so! It's better that way! I am not going to bitch about her because it's useless.
So I am concentrating on better things, I'm getting a maid. Random huh. Well yes, for me this is a huge thing, it's more responsibility. And today is the moon sighting, Im so wishing it will be puasa tomorrow so that I wont have to work tommorow and which means...three day weekend!
So I have 18mins left before the clock turns four. Hopefully Miss Tyranny wont change her mind. Patience Adilah, all will be rewarded.
Anyway might as well update the blog instead of ranting. I meet up with the lovely graces last night. We first went to Capers as I was craving Ravioli and then went to Saffron for dessert. I miss just talking and gossiping with them.
And before that I was with the husband you said to me randomly " Men should'nt try to understand women, they should just love them" Aww sweet right? Well, my reply "Yes, men shouldnt even try to understand women as they dont have the brain capacity to understand women"
And for my random quote:
"Hate the sin, love the sinner". Mahatma Gandhi
And just for kicks, a prefered version of snowhite
Posted by Belladonna at 7:58 PM
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A rose by any other name
Today started out fine, came to work set up the laptop, read emails, replied emails and then Miss Turkey and Mr Long Island got stuck in traffic thus forcing me to pick up Miss Arkansas from the hotel! And she has yet to stop complaining about her shorten vacation time. Oh well she is way better company than Miss Turkey.
I got an email today asking me to buy a bouquet of flowers for Mr Long Island. The budget? $100! They really go all out huh..Well they are lucky that I love buying flowers.
Looking up I actually pity Miss Arkansas. She's not feeling so good and the fact that Miss Turkey is very strict about going home during office hours, she can't go back to the hotel and rest. I gave her panadol to try and ease some of her discomfort.
Add on to the fact that we have been waiting for Miss Turkey since 12.00pm and still she isnt here yet! I swear she needs to be knocked down a peg or two.
Baby J is kicking constantly which makes it uncomfortable for me to do anything. My back aches and its just 2.15pm. I have some 3 hours left before I can go home and rest! The issue on Puasa working hours? Still unresolved which makes me think thats the reason she's avoiding the office.
Thats it for now but if i get bored by 3.30pm I will be sure to blog again.
"I am convinced that boredom is one of the greatest tortures. If I were to imagine Hell, it would be the place where you were continually bored." Erich Fromm
Posted by Belladonna at 11:00 PM
Ok, my bosses are being a pain in the ass!! Like seriously, the working hours now are fine 8.30 to 5.30. And since puasa is just a few days away i decided to ask what will the working hours be, and the answer? "The same" What the fuck? She is a muslim although not a practicing one but still! Have respect for others who do fast and who actually take part in that religious activity!
Damn! Im so pissed, Im going to find other work places. This is way too much, instead of going all crazy and shit Thankfully the wifey called and i managed to calm myself down. So now I have two plans of action, the first if the working hours does not change I will send a letter to the Prime Minister's office for an intervention as we are partners here. Second plan of action is to quit after I get my pay!
Thank god I'm not the only one having problems with the bitch. Miss Arkansas has issues too! I have 20 mins left before exiting this hell hole! I officially hate my job and bosses!
Posted by Belladonna at 1:59 AM
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I utter a heavy sigh as I realize it is not even 3pm. My heart feels sad, that I have to endure another three hours of work. If I really did have work to do that would be fine. I have gone through all my call sheets and now I am merely wasting time. If only my back didn't hurt so much.
Miss Arkansas and Mr Long Island are here but that doesnt mean that I am still not bored because I am. I have sent emails and what not but still I have ONE HOUR AND THIRTY MINUTES left before works ends on this wonderful Monday ( I do hope you sensed my sarcasm). Why is it that the weekend slips away so quickly and the work days seems to drag on like nobody's business?
Is it because I am not working in a field that I am passionate about? Or simply because time resting and being with people you love is far more important? I'm quite different from my husband, he loves working and I love lazing about. If there was a job in the world that entitled me to just read and rest I would so do it.
I guess I have to be patient, and hope that time will go by faster. Ok I was going to write a nice post about Twelfth night but i decided to nag and rant and complain. Why? Because it suits my mood right now. Ugh Why can't work be fun? Why can't I be a Queen?
Aside from my bitterness at work, the wifey got married to her Mr. Right yesterday. I welome her into the club of wives. Being married is a wonderful thing, I will not spurt out advices and start giving out sermons on marriage.
I have about an hour left of work to do. Which means I will be bored for another hour.
"It is very strange that the years teach us patience - that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting." Elizabeth Taylor
Posted by Belladonna at 11:16 PM
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Friday comes around again
Its friday and first up for today's agenda was to send the husband off to KK. Me and Mika were suppose to join but with H1N1 going on and my ever expanding belly we decided that its best with we stayed. So Congrats to Manith on her wedding, wishing you all the best in holy matrimony.
Not only will I be separated from Mika this week, my husband is in another country. So not a happy weekend for me. Being separated from these two
So husband is away and Mika is quarantined away from me. Thankfully Baby J can't leave me just yet. hehe. I also have to be quarantined when I'm at home, I have to be atleast 3 meteres away from Mika and my dad. The only logical solution? Stay in my room. Fortunately Me and the husband went DVD shopping last night so I will not get bored coped up in the room. I bought the second season of Bones. So hopefully that will last me the weekend if not that I still have A Hundred Years of Solitude to read.
I miss him already.
Well back to work for me..wishing time to go a little bit faster today. Maybe I'll blog again later..maybe not we'll see.
"What a happy and holy fashion it is that those who love one another should rest on the same pillow. " ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
Posted by Belladonna at 7:22 PM
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
What do you do when
What do you do when, randomly you remember something from the past that angers you. And you can't stop thinking about it! The more you dwell on that bad memory the more it haunts you and never stops. So, what do you do? This isn't a post where I ask a question but already know the answer. This is really an open post.
What do you do when because of the said matter above everywhere you go has bad memories? I really hate days like these when anger is the front emotion. How do you push aside all the anger of the past and simply move on? How long does it take before the pain of the past is gone or atleast numb? How long does it take before you completely go insane from the taunts of the past?
I hate personal past, I mean if its the General past I love it and cant get enough of it. I can go on and on about Greek mythology, Aztec, Medieval or whatever. Heck, I don't mind dreaming about it. Personal past? Well its better if it was forgotten.
Right now, this is how I feel
"Your whole past is like a long sleep which would have been forgotten had there been no memory, but remembrance is there in the blood and the blood is like an ocean in which everything is washed away but that which is new and more substantial even than life - reality. "- Henry Miller